VAT Administration and Compliance

Outsource the administrative hassle and meet all the legal VAT criteria. Mediatrix advises and supports you, by making sure you follow and use all the VAT guidelines accurately.

Mediatrix VAT Administration and Compliance


Both Dutch and foreign companies that do business with
other EU countries have various administrative obligations. An obvious obligation is the periodic Dutch VAT return. In addition to this, companies must file the EC Sales List (ESL or in Dutch: ICP opgaaf). The EC listing provides details of transfers of goods and services to VAT registered companies in EU countries.

Companies that trade large volumes of goods resulting in high import or sales figures, are also obliged to file so-called intrastat declarations, providing further details on the goods traded.

General Fiscal Representative

As a General Fiscal Representative, Mediatrix performs the following duties for international companies importing into or through the Netherlands:

General Fiscal Representative

Work smart.
Save money on Dutch VAT